Fishing Report October 2017
October 1-8, 2017
With the exception of a couple post cold front days, the Woman Lake walleye fishing has been truly excellent now for a couple weeks. The cooler weather has surface temperatures down into the high 50s and the walleyes are congregated on shore related sand breaks in the 17-20 foot depths. We have been catching daily limits of perfect eating size walleyes in the 16"-19" range, as well as releasing a number of healthy fish from 21"-26". I have posted a number of fish pictures in the Catch Photos section of this website, so check it out. The fall colors are stunning right now, and this is my favorite time of the year to be up on the northland lakes.
Next weekend I am taking a short vacation to celebrate my 33rd wedding anniversary with my Bride. Following that, I am off to work on our South Dakota pheasant hunting camp in preparation for the 10/21/17 pheasant hunting opener. So, Oct 12th will be my last day for walleye guiding until May 2018. I will be back on the water as soon as we get our first solid ice, hopefully in early December.
2017 was easily one of the very best walleye fishing seasons on Woman Lake that I have witnessed. The walleye population here is exceptionally healthy and well balanced, and I expect the fishing for the next couple years will be equally as good, if not better. I would like to thank all of those who fished with me this year, and I hope to see you again next Spring, Summer, and Fall 2018. The 2018 walleye fishing opener will be on May 12, 2018.