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Fishing Report September 2024

September 28, 2024

Warm and stable weather has been the pattern in the Woman Lake area and the solid walleye bite has continued.  I travelled down to SE Iowa this week for our family's 125th consecutive family reunion, to the location and farm pond where I caught my fishing passion, and my very first bluegill.  I remember it like it happened yesterday.  I am certain I missed some excellent fishing on Woman Lake while I was gone, but I will be back in Minnesota tomorrow.  If the weather permits, the next few weeks could be some of the best fishing of the year on Woman Lake.

September 17,2024

The active walleye bite on redtail chubs is going strong, but so is the bass and northern pike bite.  We have experienced some major wind this week, which has made boat control very difficult, so some days are just too windy to fish.  If you can plan to fish when the weather cooperates, you will likely find some willing biters.  Get out on the water, as the next few weeks is some of the best fishing of the year.  All the adult loons have headed south over the last week or so, only the immature loons that were hatched this spring are now on the lake.  The youngsters will follow sometime in the next month or so, once they realize Mom and Dad are not coming back.

September 8, 2024

Yesterday, we found a very nice walleye bite on a shore related point in 17-18 feet of water, and caught a limit of walleyes using both leeches and redtail chubs, but the redtails out performed the leeches.  The Woman Lake surface water temperature was 68 degrees and all our walleyes were in the 16-20 inch range.  We also caught some decent size smallmouth bass on the same structure using the same live bait rigs.

September 4, 2024

We just got back from fishing in Voyageurs National Park, and the fishing was excellent once again.  Sand Point Lake and Namakan Lake are true gems with remarkable fishing and equally remarkable scenery.  We enjoyed another display of the Northern Lights which is always a special treat when you are in a wilderness setting.  I will post a few "Catch Photos" on this website.  I do not have a current fishing report for Woman Lake, as I have not been on the lake for almost two weeks, but I hope to get out fishing this weekend and provide you an update.  September is typically a great month for Woman Lake walleyes, so I am looking forward to finding them.  Redtail chubs are often the "go to" bait this time of year, but leeches will also work well.  I have noticed multiple large groups of adult loons swimming around Woman Lake today, which means they are now staging up for their flight south.  I suspect they will depart with the next strong north winds, leaving their 2024 hatch of young loons behind.  The youngsters usually figure things out in a month or so, and head south, too.